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28 Days Later: True Horror not in Rage Zombies but in Alienation and Breakdown of Human Society

28 Days Later presents what some critics have hailed as a fresh new take on the zombie thriller. Instead of mindless corpses, ravenously seeking brains, director Danny Boyle's zombies are instead "infected"--humans who have been exposed to the Rage virus. These aren't George Romero's zombies. A mere 20 seconds after exposure to the Ebola-like Rage, and your friend becomes a blood-vomitting monster bent on devouring you.

But that's not the really horrifying part. As I will present in this exhibit through various critical sources and evidence from the film itself, the true horror of Boyle's gritty, apocalyptic vision is in the total abandonment of civilization and its trappings. Although scientists create the Rage virus, the film shows us that, infected or not, the Rage is in us all. Globalization and how connected we are makes us vulnerable to the spread of the virus itself. But our interpersonal disconnect and individual alienation is what will destroy us.

The exhibit is broken into three sections:

  • Horror of Horrors: The First Two Sequences from the Film Show How the Rage was Released and Why It's Not the Real Threat
  • Reviews: Popular Opinions on the Horror of 28 Days Later
  • Criticism: Deeper Insight into the Social Implications of 28 Days Later from Film Scholars

I hope you find the exhibit thought-provoking and, yes, a little horrifying. Explore and enjoy (if you dare!).

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